Top 3 things to do when separating

When you separate from a long-term partner, it can be difficult to know what to do, and where to start. Aside from getting legal advice as soon as possible, below are, what I consider, are the top three things you do, irrespective of whether or not you choose to engage a lawyer:

  1. Safety – first and foremost, ensure you have thought about the safety of yourself and your children. If there are any safety issues, consider what safety plan you need for your day of departure, as well as thereafter.
  2. Residence – if it is safe to do so, you may choose to continue to live separately within the same place of residence as your ex-partner, though experience tells us this is usually only a short-term arrangement that can work when you are simply waiting for the house to sell. If this is not possible, consider which of you could most easily find an alternative place of residence.
  3. Secure documents and irreplaceable possessions – any personal documents, such as birth certificate and passport, records that prove your contributions during your relationship, or possessions that have significant personal value, should either come with you or be secured somewhere safe.

Catton & Tondelstrand Lawyers offer free initial consultations where we can personalise the advice about what you should do in the event of separation.

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